Maine has been a leader in the medical cannabis marketplace as more states have tried to model Maine's medical cannabis program. In 2020, Mainers bought more than $266.2 million dollars of medical cannabis and medical cannabis products. In the same year, the State of Maine opened its Adult Use (also known as "Rec") cannabis program. Under Maine's Adult Use cannabis program, a person 21 years or older is able to legally purchase cannabis and cannabis infused products without a medical cannabis patient card.
Maine's medical cannabis program continues to go through significant regulatory changes and municipalities now have greater authority to regulate those businesses. With the complex state and local rules for Maine's Medical and Adult Use cannabis programs, it is important you have the right people in place to assist you with your regulatory and licensing needs.
Caseiro Burke offers the following services to individuals and businesses in Maine's Medical and Adult Use cannabis industry:
Maine Cannabis Regulatory Compliance
DISCLAIMER: It is illegal under federal law to grow, manufacture, sell or use cannabis. It is also illegal under Maine law to grow, manufacture or sell cannabis to consumers in the State of Maine without first obtaining the appropriate state and local licenses. None of the information provided by Caseiro Burke is intended to assist anyone with violating any federal, state or municipal laws.